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We would like to offer the below resources for you to access FREE of charge. 


Please do not duplicate or edit the content and if you are wanting to use these resources or share them, please ensure you reference

"Drs John & Elizabeth McIntosh, TUFMINDS" and/or "The Positivity Experts"


We are often asked lots of questions about our TUFMINDS programs and the work we do.  Here are some answers to the most common questions.

Positive Mindfulness Cognition - Understanding the Power of Thoughts

Positive Mindfulness Cognition (PMC) is the process of turning negative thoughts, words or actions into positive, productive attitudes and behaviours that empowers your life.

Mastering Negative Impulsive Thoughts (NITs)

Start listening to your own thoughts and see if they are positive and encouraging or negative and discouraging. Practice watching these thoughts so you can see, hear of feel them whenever they come to the surface. This is important because recognising them is the first step to their elimination.

Creating a Powerful Mindset

We have developed a 3 Step process to recognise your Negative Impulsive Thoughts (NITs)  and replace them with Positive Alternative Thoughts (PATs).

Communication Strategies when under NITs Attack

Successful resolution of difficult situations requires great communication skills. The aim is to use positive and constructive communication that leads to problem solving with all parties maintaining integrity, respect and teamwork.

Seeking help if you are affected.

If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental well-being, please contact the appropriate group on our Important Links page and you can start your journey to recovery. 

Downloading the TUFMINDS App will also help to build mental resilience.


Provided by Exqisit Life Foundation

Registered Charity 159 616 298

Mackay Qld 4740

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